Potpourri 3 - New Zealand

Near Dunedin, NZ

Penguin Place rehabilitation facility, for the rare yellow-eyed penguin.

To view the yellow-eyed penguin during the molt, you walk into a disguised bunker so the penguins won't try to hide (and expend energy they need to regrow their feathers, since they don't eat during this molting period).

The tunnel to the viewing stations.

Caroline just ran up the steepest residential street in the world, Baldwin Street. And she's smiling!

Fellow travelers looking for adventures in Dunedin.  Great traveling companions!

Grounds at Larnach Castle, Dunedin, NZ's only castle.

Taiaroa Head lighthouse at entrance to the Otago Peninsula, with ship's shadow on the headlands. This is also a nesting site for northern royal albatrosses.

In Akaroa, looking for the trailhead for Childrens Bay Farm Walkway.

Childrens Walkway, about a 3 hour round trip.  Caroline is listening to a Tui.

Turn a corner, and the Childrens Walkway surprises you with unexpected sculptures!

Beautiful country surrounding Akaroa.  The Celebrity Solstice can just be seen over my left shoulder.

Giant's Place, Akaroa.
To enter the wildlife sanctuary Zealandia, you have to shake your bag to check for insects, then pass through two doors of the predator and rat-proof fence.  Stuart is showing Deb and Caroline the way!  Wellington, NZ.

Zealandia bio-security bag check instructions.  There's a volunteer standing there to make sure you comply.

And our day in Wellington started off with meeting new friends!

Caroline didn't see me sneaking a peek as she stood near the bow and practiced her yoga as we were leaving Wellington.

Arriving at Picton, NZ

Mountain biking outside Picton, on the way to the Snout.
Contemplating the world from the Snout after a hard ride.


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