Potpourri 1

I’m finding that I have some photos that don’t fit any thematic blog, but do help document what I am experiencing on this trip (well, not the photo of the sign above!).  I thought I would add them here!

Katelin in the Blue Mountains.

I didn't know they were lost!

Love the cappuccino designs!

Dialysis at Sea, at work!

Yoga on Lifou.

Just finished our 2nd dive on the GBR.

Staying in touch with Wesley in Peru.

Don't feed the birds!

Every time Caroline finds an open table tennis table... she's there for the next hour plus.

Dialysis at Sea book club, with Doc Martin.

Quiet morning on the stern of the Solstice.

Islands in New Caledonia.

Boats in Noumea, New Caledonia.

Safe work reminder on the Solstice crew deck.


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